Tuesday, April 20, 2010


I wanted to make a small video/slide show for grandpa from his time out here. It started out with a few pictures and then I think I went a little crazy with it. I'm going to put this on DVD and send it to Grandpa for fathers day.


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Royal Hawaiian...

Today we took a trip down memory lane for Grandpa. We went to the Royal Hawaiian Hotel in Waikiki. Grandpa spent some time there while he was here during the war. At the time, the Royal Hawaiian was the only hotel on the Waikiki beach front. The Navy took over the hotel whenever submarines were in port and their crew were allowed to stay there while on Liberty. Grandpa's ship was in a few different times when the hotel was being used by the Navy and got to spend the day there at the beach.

We looked around the hotel and had lunch at the beachfront restaurant. He said the inside of the hotel looked all different but the outside and the beach area looked exactly the same. Except for all the high rise hotels that now surround it.

Our waiter told us a story about when the Navy guys would stay at the hotel, the staff would lock up all the expensive china and decorations. I guess the guys had a tendency to get a little rowdy.

The weather was beautiful once again. I've heard the entire Midwest is getting pounded by snow and cold. Grandpa and I have been watching the weather channel keeping up with how much snow Iowa is getting.

More tomorrow....


Monday, December 7, 2009

Hit The Links

Sorry I didn't update on Sunday. We took it easy on Sunday, went the mass in the morning and then hung out at the house and watched football all day.

This morning, we hit the links. We went to the Mamala Bay golf course here on the Air Force Base and played nine holes. The course recently installed senior tee boxes so Grandpa played from them. He beat me by 3 strokes!! I tell you, he can still hit the ball straight. He also sported his brand new Hawaiian shirt.

After lunch, we drove out to Diamond head. We drove around the mountain and stopped at an overlook at a very popular surf spot.

We grilled up steaks for dinner and are now watching Monday night football. It's hard to believe his trip is almost over.

More tomorrow...


Sunday, December 6, 2009

North Shore

Today we took a drive up to the north shore. The waves were big and the beaches were closed. But that didn't stop grandpa from venturing out onto the sand for a picture.

We continued along the north shore to Turtle Bay resort, which contains a PGA golf course designed by Arnold Palmer. I didn't have a spare $250 for a green fee so we just took a look around and snapped a few pictures.

This evening grandpa threw on his new Hawaiian shirt and we went downtown for dinner. We sat outside and had a pretty good sunset while we ate. We then went down into Waikiki and checked out all the street performers that come out at night time.

Tomorrow we're planning on watching the Vikings game and taking it easy. We've been going non stop for five days and I think he could use a break.

More tomorrow...


Friday, December 4, 2009

USS Arizona Memorial

Today we went to the USS Arizona memorial at Pearl Harbor. I told grandpa to wear his VFW hat and I'm glad he agreed to do it. This was my fifth visit to the memorial and I know how much WWII veterans are welcomed and respected at this site. I knew that if he made himself known as a WWII veteran, he would get a lot of attention.

As soon as we arrived at the site, people spotted his VFW hat and came up, thanked him for his service and wanted to shake his hand. It was really great seeing perfect strangers, young and old, wanting to talk to him and hear his stories. There was a group of army cadets at the memorial today and each one of them shook his hand and chatted with him.

In between the conversations and stories, we walked through the small museum they have containing a lot of models and pictures from the attack.

Once through the museum, we boarded the shuttle boat and headed out to the memorial. Again he was greeted with respect and a few hugs. He spent some time chatting with the shuttle boat driver who was active duty navy. Grandpa comment on how much the navy uniform had changed since his time.

I'm not sure who had more fun today, grandpa or me. It was so much fun seeing him being treated like a rock star. At one point there was actually a small line forming with people who wanted to shake his hand and thank him for his service. It was a great site and I could tell he was really enjoying it.

After lunch, we hit the post office so he could mail out some post cards and then headed to the store so he could pick out a Hawaiian shirt. He found one he liked and said he'd be wearing it on the plane ride home...as well as on the golf course next summer.

More tomorrow,


Thursday, December 3, 2009

Another Day in Paradise

This morning we slept in a bit, then after breakfast we went over to the west side of Pearl Harbor where they keep the mothballed ships. It's nicknamed the Ghost Fleet because the ships are gutted and when the trade winds whip through them, it makes a strange ghostly sound. We spent some time over there and he tried to figure out what type of ships they were. We're gonna take the pictures and try to research on the internet.

After lunch and a quick nap, the weather started to turn gloomy. So, we took a leisurely drive around the south and east sides of the island. We stopped off at a lot of scenic look outs and beaches. The waves were pretty good and we watched some surfers and body boarders riding some waves.

We spent some time looking at pictures that Grandpa bought along. They were pictures of his port calls in Japan and China once the war was over. And I spent some time showing him some of my pictures from when I was in Iraq.

We're going to Ruby Tuesdays for dinner tonight. Tomorrow morning we're heading over to the USS Arizona memorial. I have to say I'm really enjoying this routine. Sleep in till 8, nap after lunch, in bed by 9. I think I may adopt this routine for myself!!

More tomorrow...


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Day 2...

Sorry for the late post, it was a busy day. In the morning we drove around the Air Force base and checked out the beach and marina area. Grandpa really liked how blue the water was. I snapped some pictures as he checked out some of the boats.

We then drove over to the Pearl Harbor entrance channel. I was hoping to see some ships going in or out of the harbor but today wasn't the day I guess. But we still got some pictures.

Then, after lunch and a short nap, we drove up to the Punchbowl national memorial cemetery. The punchbowl is located inside of a dormant volcano crater and is home to the national pacific military monument.

We ran into a man who recognized grandpa's naval amphibious forces insignia on his hat. The man was a retired navy Sea-bee. Him and grandpa chatted for a while and shared stories, it was pretty neat to sit back and watch.

As we passed by the murals of the different Pacific island campaigns, grandpa showed me the different beaches on each island he dropped troops off on. We spent about an hour looking at all the different mural maps.

After dinner a local skating group was putting on their holiday program. Part of the program included a tribute the past & present military members. Grandpa and I got dressed up in our uniforms and participated.

Over lunch, he told me a pretty funny story. Apparently, one of his buddies aboard ship found a monkey on one of the small islands they visited. He brought the monkey back on board ship and kept him in his quarters. He said the monkey would sit on the guys shoulder and if anyone got too close to the guy, the monkey would slap them.

He also told me about a time he was standing watch on the bridge and steering the ship. I guess the seas were pretty rough and they took a wave which knocked the boat sideways. A couple minutes later the ships cook stormed onto the bridge covered in banana cream pies demanding to know who the hell was steering the ship. I guess the wave tipped over a shelf which contained freshly made cream pies and dumped the pies all over the chef. The Captain told him to suck it up and go back to work.

Anyway, it was a full day and we're probably going to take it easy tomorrow.

More tomorrow...
